Dear student,
It is time to make yourself heard, speak your mind and tell the rest of the world what you think...about something. Your task is to write an argumentative article – for a daily newspaper – concering a matter that you find interesting. First, try to come up with a topic people in general tend to disagree on (for example "dress code in school"). Pick a side and then form a fitting statement (e.g. "introduce school uniforms in public schools"). Please remember that a statement is an opinionnot a question. Your mission is to convince your readers to agree with your statement. Also, to help your argumentation you will have to use sources in your article. Three quotes and/or references should be enough. 
500 words + 100 words source criticism (obligatory for A-grade). Use formal English.
When writing your article, follow this structure:
    First, get attention! Then, present yourself and your statement. It is common practice to include a narratio (a short story or similar) to make your introduction more understandable and interesting.

    Support your statement with three arguments. Consider your target audience when choosing arguments. Also, refute counter-arguments (i.e. take an argument from "the other side" and explain to your readers why that argument is incorrect/false).

    Summarize your text, repeat your statement and call for action!

Good luck!


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